Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pants and Pumpkins

Ethan asked Ian to help him tie up Ian's old karate Ian tied them WAAAY up.

Walking pants!! Cracked us up!

We had a pumpkin painting party in the park with our playgroup (say that ten times fast!).

Here they are at home with the finished products!

I said 'Show me your pumpkins!' and here is what they did. :)


Kim Ence said...

Wallace and Grommit come to mind here with those pants (trousers)!

Em said...

the pants are hilarious!!!

That's what he should be for halloween: a pair of karate pants.

Melissa Bejot said...

Ethan in the pants cracks me up!!!

SpencLeSJord said...

You have been tagged! Just go to my blog and you will understand what you have to do!

Ron - atama said...


It is sooo great to keep up with you and your family thru Emily's Blog. I am so excited for you, it look and sounds like you are all doing great. Your kids are the cutest. Hope all is going well, Say "hey" to Ian.

Take Care Uncle Ron

Me said...

Those pants are the funniest thing! If he could not get out of the without some help that may come in handy later!! Just kidding, maybe!
Fun times pumpkin painting! The boys love it also.

Youngbull Family said...

Love the painted pumpkins! And the pants!
I miss those little guys!