Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ethanism Redux

So this evening, Ian was telling the boys a story in front of the fire.

Tonight's tale was 'Cinderella'.

As Ian got to the part where the step-mom locks Cinderella in her room, he said, "But the step-mother didn't know about all the shennanigans Cinderella had been up to."

Ethan piped up and said, "What's a shennanigan?"

Ian: "Well, it's...*pause*"

So I said, from the living room where I was changing Tiny's diaper, "It's doing something you're not supposed to do."


So I said, "It's causing trouble."


Ethan: "I sometimes do that." said very earnestly.

Ian and I couldn't help but laugh. :)


Youngbull Family said...


Me said...

Oh my word! How cute! Little boys are fun!